July Power Manufacturing Award Winner

Though summer has started to wind down, the innovative companies that are the Power Manufacturing Award winners keep rolling in. Among those was ALTA Racks, a bike and snowboard rack manufacturer based in Cottonwood Heights, Utah, that was chosen to represent the Power Manufacturing Award for the month of July. 

ALTA Racks

ALTA Racks is an incredible company. As a Six Sigma manufacturer, ALTA Racks practices lean manufacturing in order to streamline both its production and shipping times. In fact, the company says it only takes one week to complete an order. 

“We continuously identify bottlenecks and long lead/labor items and plan accordingly by purchasing the raw material ahead of time of need, and building high labor product at a higher quantities,” a company spokesperson told Powerblanket. 

The spirit of entrepreneurship is alive and well at ALTA Racks. The same company spokesperson gathered advice to share for entrepreneurs looking to get a start in the manufacturing industry. We’re sharing a few here:

  • If you want easy, don’t start. 
  • Continue to improve your products and process. Let your customers have a voice in the design of your product. After version one, the customers should be driving improvements and revisions.
  • Be physically fit, this lifestyle calls for endurance.

You’ll find the rest of the advice ALTA Racks gave us in our upcoming Small Manufacturers Guide. It’s that kind of wisdom, innovation and entrepreneurship that won ALTA Racks July’s Power Manufacturing Award! Congratulations!

Don’t see your business on our nomination list this month? Email [email protected] to nominate your company for the Power Manufacturing Award.

Power Manufacturing Award

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James Rogers

James is our digital marketing expert who has worked in the marketing field for over 15 years. When not writing blog posts or newsletters, James is geeking out over all things SEO and SEM. He is a husband and a father of four. In his spare time, he enjoys woodworking, hiking, and hanging out with his family.
